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Project "Rhythm of the Rain" receives subsidy

The 'Rhythm of the Rain' project receives a subsidy for the development of a system with local storage capacity, smart monitoring and predictive models.

The precipitation pattern in the Netherlands will change in the coming years. In addition to longer periods of drought, more and heavier showers are to be expected. The Netherlands is faced with water shortages, but also with an increase in the amount of precipitation with several moments of flooding. As a solution, the 'Rhythm of the Rain' project is developing a system with, among other things, local storage capacity. The solution also ties in well with the obligation to disconnect rainwater from the sewage system. The responsibility for collecting and draining rainwater then lies with the plot owners themselves.

In the project RMA works together with OTT Hydromet. The project is financially supported with a subsidy from the Samenwerkingsverband Noord Nederland.